Saturday, September 27, 2008

Cream Ale -- Smooth Operator

Recipe for the cream ale--a pale colored ale with low hops and adjuncts like maize or rice.

1 lb 2-row malt grain

3.5 lbs pilsner dry malt extract
2 lbs rice solids

2 oz halltertuer--60 minutes
.5 oz reg haltertauer, 1 oz sterling--10 minutes
.5 oz reg haltertauer, 1 oz sterling-2 minutes

pacman yeast

O.G. 1.o50
O.T. 7 8 degrees

F.G. 1.006
F.T. 60

6.1% ABV

1 comment:

Jerry said...

Tasted it at bottling. Light bodied, with distinct cornflake-like malt flavor, and a light but noticable hops finish. Might be able to pass off as a pale ale, but fits the cream ale category in the BJCP better