Saturday, September 27, 2008

Cream Stout -- Glory

First recipe...from the batch Ron and I just bottled.

.5 lb British chocolate
.25 lb. British black patent

.5 lb. honey malt

.5 lbs British crystal

.5 lbs British brown

.25 lbs carapils

.5 lb. oats

12 oz lactos

4 oz malto dextrin

4 lb. Amber dry malt extract
4 lb. Dark malt extract


1 oz Northern Brewers 60 minutes

1oz ek golding 15 minutes

1 oz mt hood 2 minutes

pacman yeast


O.G. 1.078

O.T. 75 degrees

Primary ~1month

Secondary ~1 month

F.G.--1.028 (higher than average because of the addition of unfermentable sugars--i think)

F.T. 65 degrees

6.8% ABV

1 comment:

Jerry said...

Extra long conditioning served this beer well--at bottling the flavor was a well integrated combination of stout roast and chocolate tones on a bed of sweetness. medium bodied. we'll see how it comes out after carbonation.